Use the Acer Liquid Jade Primo as a laptop with this dock

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Acer started shipping its new Windows 10 Mobile flagship device the Liquid Jade Primo last month. Besides the fact that it’s the first Acer’s high-end Windows 10 Mobile phone, this device also comes with some handy additions, including Continuum support, and the Liquid Extend.

Sine all of  you know what Continuum is (if you don’t, check out our story about it), in this article, we’re going to talk about the Liquid Extend, which is actually powered by this feature of Windows 10 Mobile. The Liquid Extend is a laptop shell which allows owners of the Acer Liquid Jade Primo to connect with it, and use it as a laptop.

Although it looks like a laptop, it uses all resources from the phone. It doesn’t have its own processor, or RAM. As for the connectivity, it has a couple of USB ports and a HDMI port, and sports a 11.6-inch 720p display. It is believed that this device will be very thin, but Acer still hasn’t reveal official dimensions.

The Liquid Extend is powered by the Continuum feature, as users can use it as any other Continuum dock. While connected to the Liquid Extend, the the Liquid Jade Primo can be used separately, which is another signature ability of Continuum.

This device is still unavailable for purchasing, but we expect Acer to start shipping it in the third quarter of 2016. Price of the Liquid Extend is also unknown, but we expect it to be in the range of other docks, somewhere between $100 and $130.

The phone itself is already available for purchase in various countries around the world, starting at $682. Let us know in the comments, what do you think about the Acer Liquid Jade Primo, and its handy Continuum accessories?

