Antivirus giants still support Windows 7, despite its EOL

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windows 7 eol antivirus support

2020 started off with a bang for Microsoft as it finally ceased support for Windows 7 after a very long running time.

The end of support means that Windows 7 users will no longer receive any kind of updates. These include new features, bug fixes, or security patches.

That being said, users are now more vulnerable than ever in terms of cybersecurity. Thus, Microsoft has launched a strong campaign urging users to upgrade to Windows 10.

In fact, in some cases even offering the possibility to do it free of charge.

Given the changes at hand, they are now left with only a handful of solutions:

However, not everyone is keen on migrating to an entirely new OS, as they are still very satisfied with Windows 7. The main concern expressed by the general public revolves around the possibility of losing data during migration and even the difficulty of the migration process itself.

If you too are looking for a way to smoothen the transition process from Windows 7 to Windows 10, then check out this page for the best migration tools available on the market today.

Unfortunately, as far as those that don’t want to migrate, the question remains:

What can users do about security?

Windows 7 will still have antivirus support

The sudden cessation of support for Windows 7 means that there is a market of several hundred million users that will either need to upgrade to Windows 10 or look for alternative means of staying with Windows 7.

From a financial standpoint, the most feasible solution would be to somehow substitute Microsoft’s lack of security support. That is where third-party antivirus programs come into the picture.

Most antivirus developers claimed that they will still be providing support for Windows 7 for at least another 2 years, which is almost as much as the Windows 7 Extended support will last.

However, keep in mind that keeping the Windows Extended support can cost you $175 on a single Windows 7 Enterprise PC, and $350 dollars for a single Windows 7 Pro PC.

That is way more than a subscription to any of the major antivirus programs, even if you were to buy for the whole 3-year period in advance.

Do you want to know which are the best Antivirus programs that you can get for your Windows 7 PC? Check out this in-depth article for some of our top choices.

What’s your take on using antiviruses to keep using Windows 7? Share your opinions in the comment section below.
