Can NordVPN be tracked?

Table of Contents
  • If you're up to date with our previous articles, you probably know that your VPN can't be tracked, but can popular services such as NordVPN be tracked?
  • Generally speaking, it would be almost impossible to track even cheaper VPN services, given the security thresholds you'd need to break. NordVPN makes no exception.
  • Check out our best VPNs with top-notch security.
  • Visit the Security Hub to learn more about keeping your devices' security at optimal levels.
Can NordVPN be tracked?

If you’re up to date with our previous articles, you probably know that your VPN can’t be tracked, but can popular services such as NordVPN be tracked?

It would definitely make no sense for popular VPN services such as NordVPN to be tracked, whereas cheaper, less secure providers would gracefully dodge this metaphorical bullet.

However, you know what they say. The higher you are, the harder you fall. So let’s explore this scenario and find out whether NordVPN is more prone to being tracked than any other consumer-grade VPN.

But before we get down to business, let’s see exactly how a VPN works.


How does a VPN work?

When you use a VPN to hide your connection and private data from prying eyes, a few things happen. First of all, you’ll probably need a client installed on your device of choice.

Second of all, to establish the connection, you must choose a destination server. Between the VPN client and the server, all data is or should be safely encrypted.

Thus, anyone listening to that specific bit of the connection would only see a bunch of gibberish instead of clear, transparent traffic data.

Your VPN client encrypts anything you send to it (i.e. requests) and the VPN server decrypts everything that the client encrypts. When the website/server/service generates a response, data travels back to you, but this time in reverse.

Therefore, the VPN server encrypts the data, which gets decrypted by the client before reaching you. NordVPN makes no exception from this, as it works exactly the same, for the most part.

Can VPN be tracked?

Considering the information available just above, it’s safe to assume that VPN can’t be tracked. Not by your ISP, not by the government, not by any talented hacker.

What happens between you and the VPN gateway remains a secret. And even when your traffic gets out of the VPN gateway, it’s incredibly hard to pinpoint any individual to specific online activity.



Looking for an untrackable VPN? Why not give NordVPN a try?

So, when your data escapes the VPN gateway, there’s no way to tell that you sent that data. Unless the website you want to access has your name, social security number, private photo album, and phone number.

But even so, it wouldn’t be your VPN that gives away your real identity. You get the point.

Make sure you don’t accidentally expose yourself while using a VPN and you should be perfectly fine.

Can NordVPN be tracked?

To put it simply, no. If your regular secure VPN service can’t be compromised in terms of being tracked, then NordVPN is definitely out of the question.

This VPN service has great military-grade encryption, a huge selection of servers, and a bunch of additional services such as a malware/adware blocker, automatic killswitch, and a double VPN.

In case you didn’t figure it out by yourself, a double VPN is simply routing your connection through two consecutive VPN servers.

Therefore, NordVPN encrypts and anonymizes your data through the first server, then does it again by routing it through another server. It virtually anonymizes the anonymous data.

So, before you say that we’re beating around the bush and avoiding the main question, let us make it perfectly clear. NordVPN can’t be tracked.

Even with the right tools, if you’re using this service responsibly, it would take a hacker a long time (a few trillion years) to break NordVPN’s encryption.

What is the best untrackable VPN?

What you’re looking for is not necessarily a non-trackable VPN, since we’re quite convinced we hit the nail on the head with our statement above. VPNs can’t be tracked.

However, even if your VPN gets compromised, you need to make sure it has no dirt on you. Therefore, you should really look into providers with zero-logging policies.

If looking for zero-logging VPN services is too much hassle for you, check out the following list:

Rest assured that no matter what service you pick from this list, your user activity won’t be logged and monitored. Therefore, even if the VPN gets hacked, the servers should be devoid of any revealing user data.

No, NordVPN can’t be tracked

To wrap it up nicely, we’re going to make the same statement: NordVPN can’t be tracked. If you use it responsibly and avoid performing any identity-revealing actions, you should be fine.

The only way you could track a VPN would be by hacking into the servers and breaking the encryption. If you’re afraid that might happen (although it’s very unlikely), make sure to at least pick a zero-logging VPN service. Such as NordVPN.

Your connection is not secure - websites you visit can find out your details:

  • Your IP
  • Your IP Address:

Companies can sell this information, alongside your location and internet provider name, and profit from it by serving targeted ads or monitoring your data usage.

We recommend Private Internet Access, a VPN with a no-log policy, open source code, ad blocking and much more; now 79% off.
