ESET releases decryption tool for Crysis ransomware

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All the encryption keys used for the Crysis ransomware package have been posted on Pastebin by an unknown source. To do this, this masked hero/hacker gone rogue had access to the original source code.

Security giant ESET came in and used the provided keys to create a decryption tool used to restore files to their original state and  nullify the effects of the Crysis ransomware completely. While similar efforts have been made in the past for previous ransomware situations, they were only partially effective. ESET’s solution seems to be more definitive.


Ransomware is a type of malware that infects computers and holds the machine hostage until the attacker’s monetary demands are met. The way it works is that ransomware would disguise itself as a game or useful software and is how the majority of malware operate.

Once on the targeted machine, it proceeds to infect important system files, encrypting them without the host even knowing. Once that’s done, it will display a message that explains the situation and lays out the attacker’s demands, which expects a ransom to be paid. Most ransomware demand funds through BitCoin, although it’s not a rule set in stone.

Thanks to ESET’s decryption tool, infected users can now remove any encryption on their files without having to pay anything. The decryption tool is available on the official ESET website for anyone in need of a solution for their ransomware problem.

