Cyberpunk 2077 issues made developers reconsider refund policy

Table of Contents
  • Cyberpunk 2077 is probably the most talked-about game in recent years.
  • In light of the bug-riddled launch, CD Projekt Red addressed the state of the game, and their refund policy.
  • To learn more about this amazing game, check out our dedicated Cyberpunk 2077 Hub.
  • To find out the latest news, fixes and tutorials regarding games, visit our Gaming section.

There’s no denying that everyone has been waiting for Cyberpunk 2077 since day 1, and there’s no denying that everyone was upset each and every time CD Projekt Red announced that the game would be delayed.

Finally, players got what they wanted, but the rushed development ended up creating a game launch that will remain in history as one that is full of bugs and over climactic.

CD Projekt Red addresses launch bugs and refund policy

Within the gaming community, CD Projekt Red has always been held in high regard, especially thanks to the way they handled the Witcher series, a franchise they could have made a lot more money off of than they actually did.

Well, the company yet again tries to redeem itself by addressing the entire Cyberpunk 2077 launch fiasco.

At first, they covered the issue of how badly the game behaved on last-gen consoles:

First of all, we would like to start by apologizing to you for not showing the game on base last-gen consoles before it premiered and, in consequence, not allowing you to make a more informed decision about your purchase.

We should have paid more attention to making it play better on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Secondly, they addressed the much larger topic of the game’s current state:

Second, we will fix bugs and crashes, and improve the overall experience. The first round of updates has just been released and the next one is coming within the next 7 days.

They carried on adding that major updates will also be coming in January and February, and emphasized that they will improve the way the game looks on last-gen consoles, although it won’t be on the same level as high-spec-PCs or next gen consoles.

Lastly, and probably most importantly for some, in light of the recend events, CD Projekt Red pointed out how player satisfaction is a crucial element for them, and that they encourage users to get a refund of their game if they want to:

We would appreciate it if you would give us a chance, but if you are not pleased with the game on your console and don’t want to wait for updates, you can opt to refund your copy.

If you too want to refund your game, you’ll be glad to know that CD Projekt Red offered up an email address where they can be contacted precisely for this.

However, they added that they can only be contacted until December 21, since the entire company goes on holiday afterward.

The developers have already released a big patch that fixes most PC and PS4 issues called Patch 1.04, with the Xbox version running a bit late.

All in all, the company seems to be true to its word, and show that they truly care about what their playerbase thinks.

Are you considering to get a refund on Cyberpunk 2077? If so, let us know how easy it was to get it be telling us about it in the comments section below.
