AMD Ryzen 3000 CPUs break down Destiny 2 for many

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Ryzen 3000 series causes Destiny 2 launch issues

Many of you may be thinking to get the new AMD Ryzen 3000 series processors. However, die-heart Destiny 2 fans should keep in mind that these processors are breaking down the game.

Surprisingly, many rushed to purchase the new CPUs. More specifically, 3800x sold out in a few hours time.

Many players reported on different forums that they can no longer launch the game after upgrading to a Ryzen 3000 series CPU.

The reports suggest that this bug affects many Ryzen 3000 processors including AMD Ryzen R5 3600, R5 3600X, R7 3700X, R7 3800X, and R9 3900X.

It seems that the issue affects only systems with X470 and X570-based motherboards. The Redditor who first reported the issue tried different ways to resolve the issue.

The Reddit thread got around 6,000 upvotes and hundreds of comments in just a few hours.

Here’s how gamers described the issue on Bungie forums.

When you launch Destiny 2 from Battlenet, it will say it is launched but nothing happens. Upon looking at task manager, Destiny 2 will stay inside of Battlenet process, use about 10-17% cpu, about 158.2MBs then after abotu 5-10 minutes reduce to 128MB. No network usage, no disk usage. Just hangs.

It looks like this issue is really frustrating for the players. A Destiny player reported on Reddit:

I’ve been pulling my hair out for 4+ hours trying to figure out what the issue was. I’ve never had issues migrating the drive I keep those games on between reloads. Other games don’t seem to have issues so with everything being up in the air with the migration I really hope they patch this quick.

Apparently, there is no workaround at the moment. However, the Bungie team confirmed that this issue is currently under investigation. As a result of this bug, many players are not considering purchasing other affordable alternatives.

Hopefully, Bungie will release the hotfix very soon. Meanwhile, you should avoid purchasing Ryzen 3000 processors if you want to continue playing Destiny 2.

We’ll keep an eye on the situation and keep you updated once more details are available. Keep visiting WindowsReport to get the latest updates.

