You can now play Eve Online for free and enjoy epic space battles

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Eve Online is one of the oldest MMOs still going strong, having been run for 13 years as a subscription-only game. While the likes of World of Warcraft still operate based on a subscription, EVE finally joined the ranks of the free to play MMOs.

The reaction wasn’t decisive among the crowds of people playing EVE Online. Some were, of course, intrigued by the decision of allowing players to gain access to the game without a subscription, while others weren’t. Even those who agreed it was a bad decision have their own reasons for which it’s not a smart move.

As for the way EVE approaches this new ideology, it’s a bit more complex than just “free to play”. What they did is split the community into two clone states. Depending on your account type, you will be placed into either the Alpha state or the Omega state. The Alpha state is what is really new and the Omega state means playing the game exactly as it was before.

To gain Omega state, you need to continue being a paid customer, meaning that EVE did not completely renounce their old ways. However, if you wish to stop paying for EVE or are a newcomer that wants to experience the game for free, you can create a free account which will be placed in the Alpha state.

EVE officials wanted players to know that Alpha state will have some restrictions, meaning that it won’t be identical to the Omega state. They are convinced that Alpha accounts will play a major role in ship battles, as they will represent the driving force that does the majority of the fighting around the bigger, more expensive ships.

