Gears of War 4 fans request Horde 3.0 offline support

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Gears of War 4 is a great game, but there are still some details that gamers consider should be polished. For example, Horde 3.0 is available only online, which actually came as a surprise when the game was launched since fans expected Horde 3.0 to be available offline as well.

The news that Horde 3.0 doesn’t support offline mode disappointed many gamers. Many asked how they would be able to play the game if the Internet connection was down or when the company would discontinue the Gears of War 4 servers.

The majority of gamers hoped that offline Horde 3.0 support would eventually be added with the first game patch – but this didn’t happen. The first Gears of War 4 patch fixed a series of annoying issues, but didn’t bring offline support for Horde 3.0.

I think if they were gonna patch in offline horde they would have said something about it already. All they care about is making more money and adding offline horde wouldn’t make them any money. It’s halo 5 all over again. […] The coalition lied and got people’s hopes up with saying all game modes would be playable offline and online. Obviously they don’t care for people without great internet but they wanted to trick us into buying the game anyway.

Lack of offline support for Horde 3.0 actually determined many potential customers to cancel their orders. Other potential buyers now definitely think twice before buying Gears of War 4.

The thread where Gears of War 4 gamers request offline support for Horde 3.0 is one of the most popular threads on the game’s official forum page, but The Coalition has yet to issue any comments.

How does the lack of offline support for Horde 3.0 affect your Gears of War 4 experience?

